A device that processes input or output is called a processor. All over the world processor designing companies are: ARM and processor manufacturing companies are: Intel, AMD. Core I3, Core I5, Core I7, Core I9 are all Intel processors, which are very good quality processors in the current market.
Processor is one of the most important hardware of the computer without which the computer cannot function. Basically it is called CPU or Central Processing Unit. Actually the microprocessor is a self-contained programmable connecting engine. Which controls and executes all the operations of the computer through the interaction. That is, when we give various commands while running the computer, the processor processes them and gives us output.
The devices that we use constantly such as; Laptops, desktops, notebooks, pads, smartphones all have processors. The most popular and reliable processor manufacturing companies are Intel and AMD (Advanced Micro Device). In our country Intel processor is the most popular.
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