The Information and Communication Technology Development Index was presented for the first time in the 2009 publication titled "Measuring the Information Society" by the International Telecom Union. Currently, various countries around the world are measuring information and communication technology using the Information and Communication Technology Development Index. It should be noted that information and communication technology National development is directly related to the development of communication technology and the following factors can be measured by the Information and Communication Technology Development Index, namely -
(i) Advancement of information and communication technology for the development of a country
(ii) Digital divide
(iii) Stages and evolution of development of information and communication technology at different times
(iv) Determining the role, scope and to-do of information and communication technology in the growth and development of the country.
To determine the development index of information and communication technology, the following three factors are calculated:
(i) Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure and Access
(ii) Use of Information and Communication Technology (USC)
(iii) Information and communication technology skills.
The International Telecom Union has ranked all the countries of the world on the ICT Development Index based on certain criteria. In this breaking, in 2008, Bangladesh's position is 137th and the value of the index is 1.41, while the highest position is Sweden, which has a value of 47.27. Our neighboring country India ranks 117 and Sri Lanka ranks 105 and their index values are 1.62 and 2.51 respectively.
Main guidelines for measuring information and communication technology: The role of information and communication technology in accelerating economic growth and sustaining socio-economic development of a country is well known. There are internationally recognized indicators to monitor and measure the appropriate use of information and communication technologies for this development. Various international organizations have identified these indicators.
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