Biometrics is a special method of identifying individuals based on certain unique characteristics of people. Biometrics is an advanced branch of biology that helps in measuring the biological characteristics of humans, such as fingerprints, DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid), voice, eyeballs, facial images, etc. The main task of biometrics is to find the unique characteristics of each person and to help identify each person individually in light of those characteristics. As early as 500 BC, the Babylonians used fingerprints on small blocks of dried mud for business purposes. In 1891 Juan Vucetich of Argentina started the modern era of fingerprinting by inventing the method of catching criminals.
Biometrics are mainly divided into two categories namely structural and behavioral. Other structural features are human face, fingerprints, hand shape, iris, DNA etc. On the other hand behavioral features are key-stoke, signature, voice and retina etc.
Biometrics works basically using two models. In the first model, data is collected using one-to-one comparison and stored in a database. Later such data is input and compared with the data stored in memory. The second model uses a one-to-many comparison to validate a sample after matching it to the database. In this case, the sample data with least difference is considered correct. Biometrics data can sometimes be confusing, as an employee's DNA collected to identify them can pose a threat to their privacy, such as the DNA data revealing a disease they don't want others to know about.
Bioinformatics is a system in which information and communication technology, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence and biochemistry are used for biological data analysis. Bioinformatics deals with the analysis of biological problems in theory or practice through the use of databases, algorithms, computers and statistical techniques. Basically, bioinformatics is the application of information and communication technology in the field of molecular biology. Bioinformatics is also developing as the use of information and communication technology increases, which is currently the trend in genomic and other molecular research. Bioinformatics is increasingly used in DNA mapping, analysis, protein sequence extraction and its three-dimensional modeling. Bioinformatics is used in various branches of biology, such as molecular biology, genetics and genomics. Bioinformatics uses computer science, mathematics and engineering to analyze biological data. Complex instruments are used to read biological data. Databases and information systems are used to process all that data. Artificial intelligence, computing, data mining, image processing and simulation algorithms are used to analyze biological data. Software such as C, C++, XML, Peri, Java, Python, spreadsheet applications etc. are also used in data processing.
Important Research Areas: The main objective of research in bioinformatics in various fields is to verify this change. Analyzing the data to understand the structure of a normal cell and how it changes in different diseases can lead to problem solving.
Sequential analysis: helps to generate DNA sequences for comparison between the same species or different species. In this case, computer programs such as BLAST are used.
Explaining the Genome: Dr. Owen White developed the first software system in 1995 to interpret DNA genomes and other biological features. His software helped to find the RNA of the gene. But now advanced software also helps in genomic DNA analysis. Bioinformatics is used in the study of explaining organismal evolution.
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