Market order: There are two types of market order. namely-
1. Market Execution Order
2. Market Pending Orders
1. Market Execution Order: When buying/selling a pair at the current market price, it is called a market execution order. That is, when we sell directly at the price, it is a market execution order.
2. Market Pending Order: If you want to buy/sell in the future at a price other than the current price, it is a market pending order.
** Pending order means that even if you are not in the market, your pending order will be active if the market goes to the rate at which you place a buy/sell order in the market. That is, pending order is the name of determining a certain rate before going to the market.
There are four types of market pending orders. Namely –
1. Buy Limit
2. Sell Limit
3. Buy Stop
4. Sell Stop
1. Buy Limit: Buy limit is lower than the current price if you want to buy then you have to give Buy limit pending order. In case of buy limit pending order, you can never place a buy limit pending order above the current price.
2. Sell Limit: Sell limit pending order is sell limit pending order if you want to sell higher than the current price. In the case of sell limit, you can never place a sell limit pending order below the current price.
3. Buy Stop: If you want to buy from the highest candle in the current market, you need to use buy stop pending order. A buy stop can never be opened below the current price.
4. Sell Stop: Sell Stop is lower than the current market rate where there is no candle in the market or the market price has not gone there, if you want to sell from that rate, you have to use Sell Stop Pending Order.
Forex, Crypto, stock market have a little difference between them but they are all the same. It can be only in name.
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