The role of computers in information systems? Describe the human information system model and the functions of information systems?
Role of Computer in Information Systems
The role of computer in information system is very important. Below is the role of computer in information system.
Data collection: Information systems collect, store and provide data. These tasks are done with the help of computer. With the help of computer network, scattered data is collected, that is, the role of computer is very important in data collection.
Data Organize: The data collected in the information system is organized with the help of computers. The information is then used as needed. Various computer programs solve this formatting task. As a result, the scattered data turns into essential information.
Support Network Establishment: Network establishment is impossible without a computer. Information networks are developed with the help of computers. As a result, users can exchange different information with each other.
Data Storage: Data is stored in the information system. A complete information system cannot be developed without data storage. Computer plays an important role in storing the necessary information in the right way.
Information Dissemination: Information system provides necessary information to the organization. Computers are needed to make this information delivery work a success. The organization collects necessary information with the help of computers.
Updating: The information system provides updated or modern or current data. Computers also play an important role in updating data. For example, BRAC Bank provides online banking services to its customers. If a customer withdraws money from the bank account, his account will be updated through the computer network.
Website: Website carries the identity of an organization. Because, website organization has different information. Entry, download etc. work is not possible without computer. User or buyer enters the website of the organization. Can learn about the organization by collecting various information.
Information Presentation (Information Presentation): As a result of computer technology, information presentation has been added. Information can be presented in graphs, charts, pictures etc. in an attractive way through computers. This makes content easier to understand
Human information system model
Every human body has an information system. The Human Information System model is shown below. Observing this human information system model gives an idea of the information systems required for our daily activities. In the human information system model, we take input into this information system from the environment through the five senses (eyes, ears, mouth, nose and nerves). There are different types of memory in our brain, namely- internal memory (short-term memory and long-term memory) and external memory (notebook, diary, reference etc.). It is in this memory that the brain does the necessary processing of the received input and later expresses various actions (such as speaking, writing or doing something etc.) in the form of output. All work is controlled by the brain.
Functions of information system: Converting data into information is the main function of information system. However, the information system usually completes this task from data collection to processing and providing or storing information to the user as an output. These tasks are usually done through four functions which are summarized below--
(i) Input function
(ii) Output function
(iii) Processing function
(iv) Storage function
(i) Input function: The function of input function is to supply data through input into the data system.
(ii) Output function: The output function expresses the previous information or result of the processing of the system.
(iii) Processing function: The task of processing function is to process data or data in specific rules and convert it into information. Note that this task is accomplished by providing the necessary instructions to the software.
(iv) Storage function: Through the storage function, the previous data or data and the post-processing information are stored. They can be reused if necessary.
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