Have you ever wondered how computers, various software, and the websites you visit communicate with each other? Why websites need to be connected to each other; Suppose you want to book an airline ticket from a website, then you have to go to the website of that airline and book a ticket.But there are many websites that are connected to the websites of many more airlines and you can book all the airlines tickets from one website. Again, those who shop online surely know that there are many websites where you can compare and check the product prices of all e-commerce sites from one website, so how do these sites stay connected to more than one site at a time. To fully understand this you need to know about API!
It is the simply explanation of definition like what does api means .
Now we are talk about with "what is api and how does api work ".
The full form of API is the Application Programming Interface. As a normal user it is never possible to understand its function with its value, let's try to understand the whole thing easily.
APIs are basically a kind of tool that helps one software to connect with another different software and run on the same rules. Now suppose you are a 3D model and one of your neighbors is a civil engineer. Mr. Engineer would like you to design a 3D model for his next project.But the problem is you speak English and your neighbor engineer speaks Chinese, so how do you talk to each other? Of course you will need a translator who knows both languages and can explain each other to you. You can compare the API to the translator in this instance, a tool that understands different applications and connects them to one another.
The API can be attached to any program and it can be connected to a separate program. Suppose you write something in Notepad on your Windows computer and want to print it. Now if your Notepad program is connected to the printer's API, Notepad will be able to command and print directly to the printer. Suppose again that you have created a website from where you can see the results of any organization and any test.However, you need to connect your site to all the result sites and their database through API. When a user searches your site for a result, the API will check the database of that result site and display the result from that database in front of it. Thus, API has many advantages, through which many applications or many websites are integrated to provide better and easier services.
Suppose you have a weather app that provides weather messages for your local location. But think about it, if this app can be connected to all local apps across the country, you can get weather messages from all over the country from one app.
I hope you have no doubt about what is API and how it works,
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