The full e; regi of AM is Ante meridiem. AM means before or before and meridiem means noon or longitude. In this case Ante meridiem means any of the middle subjects. That is, Ante meridiem means time from 12 noon to midnight or from 12 noon.
PM's full e; regi is post meridiem. PM means after and post meridiem means noon or longitude. In this case meridiem means any of the middle subjects. That is, post meridiem refers to the time from 12 noon to midnight or 12 noon.
What is the secret of AM and PM?
Time is a name very familiar to us. At the present time we see AM and PM by time in wrist watches, mobiles, wall clocks and computer time displays. What do these two mean to us? What is the secret of AM and PM? The term PM is used after the time to mean 12 noon. And AM is used after 12 o'clock at night.
In other words, AM has to be said from 12 noon to 11:59 am the next day. And from 12 noon to 11:59 pm that day.
The English word for AM is Ante meridiem. AM means before or before and meridiem means noon or longitude. In this case Ante meridiem means any of the middle subjects. That is, Ante meridiem means time from 12 noon to midnight or from 12 noon.
PM's full English is post meridiem. PM means after and post meridiem means noon or longitude. In this case meridiem means any of the middle subjects. That is, post meridiem refers to the time from 12 noon to midnight or 12 noon.
Anti means before and post means after. And the word meridium comes from the Latin word ‘meridis’. Which means midday or noon. That is, the anti-meridium is before noon and the post-meridium is after noon.
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