Linux-based distributions are built-in many type of tools and security testing software. These operating systems are primarily designed to test security flaws, so hackers or those who think about, or work with, the security of the cyber world are generally more comfortable using these operating systems.And among these, Kali Linux and Parrot GNU / Linux are a little more popular, because their community system is relatively strong and they always keep the tools updated within few times
And good programmers usually use GNU / Linux based distributions, not special distributions, but if someone is interested in hacking and programming, they might use these special security distributions..The reason for using GNU / Linux based distribution for programming is that its source code is open, programmers have the opportunity to read and modify the source code of the software here, even modify the programs if they want, and distribute. These are the main principles of the GNU project.
Free-software refers to software that gives users four types of freedom:
Freedom 0 is the freedom that allows the user to run the program in all cases.
Freedom 1 is the freedom that allows the user to view the source code and make changes at will.
Freedom 2 is to help the neighbor; This means that you change the source code to create the ability to distribute it.
Freedom 3 is the ability to build your own association, where you can distribute copies of your changed programs.This gives social legitimacy to the distribution of free software with respect to the user.
This is why good programmers and cyber security specialists are more attracted to GNU / Linux.
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