A processor has millions of transistors. And the smaller the size of this transistor, the faster the processor can work. Means the smaller the size of the transistor the better the processor. For example it can be said Contex A5-A7-A9-A15-A17 etc. In this way, the higher the architecture model of the processor, the better and better the processor will be.
For example, the size of the transistor is 14 nanometers, 16 nanometers or 20 nanometers, etc. Another thing that needs to be taken care of is if your mobile processor is dual core and if the clock speed is 2.00 GHz, then in this case there will be no benefit just like the processor, if the technology is 20 nanometers and if the processor is octa core then there will be no benefit. So first the combination must be great. Combination must be done of everything.
Processor gigahertz means that a clock is attached to the processor, which means how fast the processor can work.
And the companies that manufacture mobile processors are: Samsung, QualComm, Mediatek, N Vidia. Also, ARM is the only company designing mobile processors.
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