The World Wide Web is the largest repository of human knowledge in the world today. Through the Internet, people are constantly enriching this knowledge base and can use it for their various needs. But the unfortunate thing is that the benefits of using this vast wealth of knowledge around the world are limited to a lucky few. As of 2003, only 7% of the world's 6.4 billion people have access to the Internet. Rest of the population is deprived of this internet. The Internet will be fully worthwhile only when its benefits reach the majority of people in the world.
The digital divide is a multifaceted problem. Hence experts from different perspectives have identified it in different ways. In this age of information and communication technology, the digital divide is defined based on the use of the Internet. In general, it can be said that the digital divide. A gap between an individual or a community created by access to the Internet, access to knowledge, and limited access to online resources. Therefore, the criteria for digital divide are:
1. Computer usage facility
2. Internet facilities and
3. Practical knowledge.
Digital Divide in Bangladesh:
Most people in Bangladesh live below the poverty line. That's why Bangladesh is far behind the developed countries of the world in terms of information and communication technology. There is no exact figure on the percentage of people using the internet in this country but it can be said that it is close to 2% of the total population. It is doubtful whether even 5 percent of the people in the cities of Bangladesh use the Internet. This is an old statistic but it is changing very rapidly in the present time. That would be 90% of the estimated total population at present. One of the reasons behind the creation of digital divide in Bangladesh is that the physical infrastructure for using ICT in this country is very weak. Adequate in information and communication technology
Due to lack of hardware and software, ordinary people do not get the benefits of internet that citizens of developed countries get. of the country
The infrastructure required for common people to use the internet is missing here.
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