BCD code: The full form of the BCD abbreviation is Binary Coded Decimal. It is used to express decimal system number in binary number. 4 binary digits are required to represent each of the ten digits from 0 to 9. For this, several types of BCD code are used, such as - BCD 8421 code BCD 5421 code - BCD 2421 code - BCD 7421 code BCD 6423 code ASCII (ASCII) code:
ASCII means American Standard Code For Information Interchange. It is a well known 7 bit alpha numeric code. So, A code can represent 2^7 i.e. 128 unique numbers, letters and symbols. This code is mostly used in mini and microcomputers. This code is used to exchange data between the computer's CPU and input/output devices. In the early days of computer invention, computer manufacturers used binary bit patterns to specify numbers, letters and various symbols at their convenience. As a result, input/output devices made by other companies would not work correctly when set with one company's CPU. ASCII code was invented to overcome this difficulty. EBCDIC Code: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code is abbreviated as EBCDIC Code. An 8-bit alpha numeric code invented by IBM Company. Thus, 28 i.e. 256 unique numbers, letters and symbols can be expressed by this code. It uses 1111 for numbers 0-9, 1100, 1101, 1110 for numbers A to Z and 0100, 0101, 0110 and 0111 for special characters as zone bits. Unicode: Unicode is used to encode all languages of the world in computers. It is basically a 2 byte or 16 bit code. This code can specify 216 or 65,536 unique characters. As a result, it becomes easier to encode all symbols in languages that 8 bits were insufficient to encode (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.). Currently this code is in circulation.
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