Flip-flop is a type of memory element. Flip-flops are used as the internal memory of computers. Binary information with digital signals is stored with the help of electronic circuits. The circuit used for this purpose is called flip-flop. It is abbreviated as FF. FF circuit has two inputs and two outputs. Applying a voltage of level one binary 1 and the other binary 0 to the two inputs produces digital outputs labeled binary 1 and binary 0 to the output two. Now if the input level is reversed, i.e. 1 where it was before and 0 where it was 1, then the output signal is also reversed. So the output of FF can be set to either 1 or 0 state as desired by the input. Latch : FF circuit is also known as latch. The word latch means door hook. When the hook is attached, the door is closed and the door can be opened by opening the hook. Likewise, keeping the latch circuit in the set state (Q = 1, and Q = 0) preserves logic (1). This is why the FF circuit is known as a latch. But it is called a primary FF circuit. Because the actual FF circuit is created by adding the clock signal to it. FF circuit is made with NOR and NAND gates. Uses or application areas of flip-flops: The use of flip-flops is maximum in the construction of sequential logic circuits. Mentioned below are some of the uses of flip-flops-
(i) Bounce elimination switches
(ii) Registers for data storage.
(iii) As frequency divider.
(iv) In making electronic counter circuits.
(v) Clock frequency in serial and parallel switching.
(vi) Clock frequency storage and reuse.
(vii) In making digital computers.
(viii) Construction of various logic gates.
(ix) as memory elements and
(x) to perform various arithmetic logic operations.
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