IP Address Explained:
*IP or Internet protocol. With its help we can connect from one PC to another PC to one device to another device. You need to know IP address to connect from PC to other PC.
There are two types of IP address:
1. Dynamic Addness
2. Static IP Address
For IP Address four Digit. And 3 digits and 4 digit IP Address. There are numbers from 0 to 255. With the help of IP Address we can transfer information & Data. If you search Google by writing My IP Address, your IP Address will be displayed.
1. Static IP Address: Static IP address is less in number. Because what IP address companies do is share a small number of IP addresses among many customers. Due to which they can provide many services in less time. People who do VPN or gaming have such IP. Static IP address is more insecure than Dynamic Ip Address.
2. Dynamic IP Address: Dynamic IP Address is an IP Address that you can easily change. It remains valid with you for a specified period of time. Dynamic IP Address Using Dynamic service DNS allows you to identify and connect computer users using a temporary online IP address.
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