ICT Dependent Production
Computer Aided Design (CAD) is widely used in various industries. Computer controlled machines are helping in speedy production of similar products. Even in small scale industries it is becoming possible to make objects of complex shapes with precision through the use of ICT rather than manual manufacturing.
Use of ICT in Design : ICT can help in designing various products in the following ways --
- Product diagrams can be created and edited as needed through computer graphical software.
- Desktop publishing can also do various writing tasks by drawing the product.
- Currently manufactured product images can be scanned and used in graphics.
- Database packages can be used to keep track of various products.
- Spreadsheet software can be used to display the cost rates with the production of various products through charts.
Use of ICT in Manufacturing:
ICT helps in product manufacturing in following ways
- Printing of various product images on cards.
- The process of affixing the printed text to the steel using glue can be done perfectly by computer.
- A computer controlled lathe machine is used to produce similar perfect sized parts.
The coordination of multiple parts used in different machines can be done more accurately electronically than manually. For example, the assembly of television parts, car parts, DVD player parts etc. is easily done by computer. Colors can be made according to user's choice using computer in paint manufacturing company. Computers are used to diagnose vehicle faults of various companies.
The advantages of computer aided manufacturing are relatively less labor required, better quality of finished products, less wastage of raw materials and less chance of accidents. As a result, the cost of production is relatively low, if the quality of the product is good, the demand for it is high among the consumers.
Use of ICT in Defense
In 1946, the ENIAC computer was used by the US military. Through this, the ENICA computer was used to predict the weather in the area before launching various weapons and ammunition at specific distances.
Currently, information and communication technology is widely used in military management and internal communication systems in every country in the world. In the modern world, the capabilities and capabilities of armies, air forces and navies engaged in defense work depend on the speed with which modern computerized equipment can communicate. A large part of the total military budget in developed countries is spent on the development of sophisticated electronic equipment and weapons. Computer-controlled unmanned missiles can evade enemy radars and hit targets. With computer controlled radars it is becoming possible to detect incoming messages, position and speed of enemy aircraft and destroy them automatically. Modern warplanes can also attack the enemy without a pilot using a computer.
Information and communication technology is used for rapid communication in the battlefield and for the smooth running of the army. By using it, the military is being organized. Moreover, computers are widely used in the military for various administrative tasks, training, advanced treatment.
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