Software piracy and its prevention
Software Piracy: Software piracy refers to the activity of copying software, distributing it, partially modifying it and continuing it under one's own name. Software piracy is also a crime like stealing other people's stuff. Due to software piracy, software manufacturers suffer financially. Some steps to prevent piracy:
(i) The first step to prevent piracy is to comply with the prevailing laws of the country.
(ii) When any software needs to be installed, patiently read the “Terms and Conditions” carefully. Not only read, but act upon it. If it infringes copyright, refrain from using it.
(iii) The mentality of saving money by buying pirated software is not stopping. This mentality must end. If there is no money to buy the software, the software can be used with the permission of the specific organization or software manufacturer. In that case its use will not be illegal.
(iv) Risk and Responsibility Offices should be encouraged to purchase and use commercial software in computer management. Offices can do this themselves.
(v) Since there is still not enough opportunity to buy licenses online in the country, the effective tool to avoid piracy is to use freeware, open source software and all types of free software. To survive from piracy we have to use open source software instead of paid software and get used to it.
(vi) User's computer is at risk due to use of pirated software. Therefore, the importance of using original software should be properly presented to the office staff.
(vii) Awareness should be raised among people to prevent piracy. There should be a massive campaign about its evils, the provisions of the law and the provisions of punishment.
(viii) Nowadays internet technology has become the main medium of piracy. Therefore, there is a need to increase vigilance on all the ways of copyright infringement using the Internet. Violating sites may be blocked or terminated if necessary.
(x) Piracy can be prevented by strict enforcement of laws. Law enforcement agencies have to play this leading role. That is why law enforcement agencies including Police-RAB need to be trained in this regard so that they can bring the sellers of pirated products under the law. Those who buy pirated products and those who sell them should refrain from such activities. The government should pay more attention to this matter. As a result of the pirated software wikikini, those who work hard to create software suffer financially. We need to be more aware of this. The youth of the country are becoming self-reliant by developing many necessary software and applications. Due to piracy, this progress cannot be hindered in any way.
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