Software maintenance tools
Software maintenance tools and system tools used in Windows operating system for software maintenance are backup, character map, disk clean-up, disk defragmentation, file and setting transfer wizard, schedule task, security center, system information and system restore. Below are descriptions of three commonly used tools (Disk Clean-up, Scan Disk or Check Disk, and Disk Defragmentation):
(a) Disk clean-up: Many unnecessary files accumulate in the computer system at various times, such as temporary files, files downloaded from the Internet, files stored in Recycle Bin. All these files occupy the memory or space of the computer system. All these unnecessary file systems can be deleted using disk clean-up tool. The following unnecessary files can be deleted using disk clean-up tool.
* Temporary Internet files
* Downloaded program files
* Deposit file in recycle bin
* Temporary files
(b) Scan Disk: If there is any error in the saved file, it can be corrected using Scan Disk/Check Disk tool. Sometimes this problem can occur when the computer shuts down suddenly due to power supply failure. The Check Disk tool is used instead of Scan Disk in Windows 10 and later displays. Scan disk option is usually used when there is a problem in the following cases:
* File Allocation Table (FAT)
* File System Structure (Cross linked files)
* Directory t-structure
* The physical surface of the disk.
(c) Disk Defragmentation: Due to usage, hard disk files are scattered in different places. This is called defragmenting the hard disk. In this condition, it takes relatively long time to read any information. In this case the disk defragmentation command is used to ensure maximum disk performance. The defragmentation command organizes the data in the file and stores it in a reorganized form, so that it takes less time to read the file.
What is program and data back-up? Write the method to create backup--
Making a copy of the data stored on the hard disk is called a backup. If any program or data is lost on the computer, later the user can collect it back up and complete the necessary work. We back-up important programs and data to prevent complete loss. Back-up programs and data are stored elsewhere in memory.
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