Network Sharing and Security
Network Sharing: Network sharing is a feature that allows sharing of resources over a network, such as files, documents, folders, media, etc. It is made accessible to other user computers on networks. Network sharing enables data to be accessed across multiple devices or at the same time. By connecting a device to a network, other user devices on the network can share and exchange information through the network.
File Sharing: File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images, and video), documents, or e-books. File sharing can be saved in different ways. Common methods of storage, transmission, and dissemination are manual sharing uses such as removable media, centralized computer servers, web-based hyperlinked documents, and distributed peer-to-peer networking.
Network Sharing in Windows Operating System: Windows 7 and Windows 8x have the same network sharing settings. They are found in the same place, but their order is different. First, go to “Control Panel > Network and Internet” and then go to Network and Sharing Center. This window is very important when setting up network connections and network sharing. Here are links to network adapter settings, all network sharing settings, and new For connection or troubleshooting issues, change wizard options can be found. To access settings for network sharing, click the “Change advanced sharing settings” link in the left column.
A list will appear with all network sharing settings available in Windows, grouped by network location.
Network Security:
In the early days of the Internet, its use was limited to research and development in the military and universities. Later, when all the networks came together to form the Internet, the information system became open to the public. Very sensitive information and data, people's banks and markets, name-passwords, personal matters, all these fell into security risk. All security risks are objective, they can be divided into several categories. Interruption: Inability to access a site or similar problems. Violation of privacy is the entry into someone's private domain or receiving information without their permission or without notice.
Integrity: Matters related to data correction or access to the system by a person who has actual rights.
Authenticity: When an attacker poses as a security breach and threatens the security of another person or organization.
No system in the current world can ensure 100% security, but some measures can be taken to ensure the security of data when it flows over unregulated networks or the Internet. The most used method in this case is cryptography. Cryptography is a technique that encrypts plain text data to make the data difficult to understand and interpret. Several cryptography algorithms are currently available,
(i) Secret Key
(ii) Public key
(iii) Message Digest
Secret key encryption: Sender and receiver share the secret formula (key).
Public Key Encryption: In this encryption system all users have a secret key (key). This is not possible in shared domains.
Message Digest: The actual data is not sent, the symbolic value is sent. The data is determined by perceiving and determining that symbolic value from the receiver end. MD-5 hashing is an example of such a message digest.
Threats in cyber security: The biggest threat in the cyber world is considered to be different types of malware. Know what malware is, how many types it can be, what malware can be recognized by:
(i) Adware: Adware is considered to be the least harmful malware. Adware will basically show various advertisements. Adware will enter the system by installing any software or browser plugin without knowing it. So it is never right to install software and plugins without trusted sources.
(ii) Virus : A virus is a type of program, which is usually attached to another software and then spreads throughout the system. Viruses are often spread from computer to computer through software or file sharing.
(iii) Ransomware : Ransomware will lock your system and demand money for unlock code. (Currently the most talked about |
(iv) Backdoor: Backdoor is a mechanism through which a hacker or spammer can use your network connection.
(v) Key Logger: The job of the key logger is to record everything typed on the computer, user ID, password or any sensitive information and later send all the information to the programmer of the key logger.
(vi) Root Kit : This is a terrible type of malware. It is not easy to catch. Root kits help hide other malware.
(vii) Spyware : Spyware will basically spy on you. Everything from your internet activities.
(viii) Trojan Horse: Trojan is the most dangerous malware of the time. It will steal your financial information. will use your system resources. Trojans are capable of bringing down a system, even a large one.
(ix) Worm : Worm is a kind of eater. Om's Food is the file you need. When a worm enters a drive, it will slowly empty the drive.
(x) Identity Thieves/Phishing: Many times emails with shocking offers arrive in our personal email accounts. We open the mail after seeing the name of a bank, a known organization, a friend, and click on it. Phishing emails steal your personal information. Opening unknown/suspicious emails is risky.
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